Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding (DUB)


Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding (DUB) is abnormal bleeding that occurs within or outside the menstrual cycle, due to malfunctioning of the working mechanism of the hypothalamic-pituitary axis, ovary, endometrium without organic abnormalities of both genital and ekstragenital.

Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding (DUB) can occur in ovulatory cycles, anovulatorik or in a state with persistent follicles.
In the ovulatory stage, bleeding may occur in mid-menstrual or simultaneously with menstruation. Bleeding is due to the persistent corpus luteum with low estrogen levels, while progesterone continues to form.

In anovulatorik cycle, is common during perimenopause and the reproductive period. The basis of the bleeding that occurs in cycles anovulatorik this is because no ovulation, the corpus luteum is not formed. By itself will be low levels of progesterone and estrogen overload. Because estrogen is high then the excessive proliferation of endometrial experience (hyperplasia). With low levels of progesterone, the endometrial thickness was not followed by the formation of a good buffer, rich in blood vessels and glands. These networks are fragile, easily letting go of the surface, and cause bleeding. Bleeding in one place are recovering, bleeding arise elsewhere, so that bleeding does not occur simultaneously.
So the basic anovulatorik bleeding in this case due to:
  • The endometrium is thick and brittle
  • Release of the endometrium does not coincide
  • No rhythmic vasoconstriction
  • There is no tissue collapse.

Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding (DUB) on the state of persistent follicles, often encountered during perimenopause, rare in the reproductive period. Because of the continuous influence of estrogen, endometrial hyperplasia will experience both types of simple hyperplasia, or atypical adenomatus. Adenomatus and atypical types of this malignancy is pembakal (pre-cancerous), so it needs special handling.

Clinical Features
  1. Bleeding can occur at any time in the menstrual cycle
  2. Bleeding can be a little bit, continuous or multiple and repetitive.
  3. Most often encountered during menarche or during perimenopause.

The cause of Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding (DUB) is known with certainty is difficult
Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding(DUB) is common in:
  1. Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
  2. Obesity
  3. Immaturity of the hypothalamic-pituitary axis-the ovaries, for example in pre-menopause.
  4. Psychiatric disorders, and others.

It is important to conduct a careful diagnose, to ask the age of menarche, menstrual cycles after menarche, length and amount of menstrual blood. Also need to be asked anyway background and family life back latat emotional.

General Examination
Aimed to determine the possibility of abnormality is the cause of bleeding. Consider the possibility of metabolic disease, other systemic diseases or chronic diseases including hemostasis disorders.

Gynecological examination
  1. Examination in to get rid of organic abnormalities that can cause abnormal bleeding, for example: cervical polyps, ulcers, injury, erosion, inflammation, tumors, abortion, malignancy, and others.
  2. To make a diagnosis on the girl does not need to be done curette.
  3. In women who are married, curettage should be performed for diagnosis.
  4. On histopathological examination, usually obtained endometrial hyperplasia.

Diagnosis APPEALS
All disorders that can cause abnormal bleeding from the uterus.

Treatment Principle
  1. Makes the diagnosis of Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding (DUB), by removing the possibility of organic abnormalities.
  2. Stop the bleeding
  3. Regulate menstruation returned to normal
  4. When anemis (Hb <8 g%) were given transfusions.

Stop the bleeding
  1. Curettage (no need to Hospital Admission, except when going in tranfusion) Done for patients who are married.
  2. Drugs (priority of choice, according to serial number):
a. Estrogen
Usually selected natural estrogen, such as conjugated estrogens (conjugated estrogens), for example: Estradiol valerate (Premarin). Estrogen type is more advantageous, because it does not burden the liver and did not increase levels of renin and blood clotting disorders. Another type of estrogen is ethinyl estradiol. This type of estrogen is metabolized in the liver, so liver function is more disturbing.
  • When bleeding a lot (profus) Hospital Admission, given conjugated estrogen (Premarin) at a dose of 25 mg iv, repeated every 3-4 hours, giving a maximum of 4 times.
  • If the bleeding is not a lot, can be given: 20 mg estradiol Benzoas i.m. Conjugated estrogens 2.5 mg per oral, 7 - 10 days.
b. Combination pill
Purpose: to transform the endometrium into pseudodesidual reaction.
  • When bleeding a lot (profus) can be given 4 x 1 for 70-10 days, followed 1 x 1 for 3-6 cycles.
c. Progesterone
Purpose: to provide the balance of influence of estrogen. Progesterone is a type of progesterone that elected a molecule resembling natural progesterone. Included in this type is Medroksi progesterone acetate (MPA) and Diprogesteron. The type of progesterone that androgenic (testosterone derivatives) are not widely used, because it has androgenic effects (acne, hair growth, etc.), and may decrease HDL cholesterol.
  • MPA 10 -20 mg per day (Primolut N), for 7 - 10 days or Norethisteron 3 x 1 tablet, 70-10 days.
  • If there are contraindications of estrogen, may be given injections of 100 mg im Progesterone, in order to stimulate the endometrium and resilience in vasomotor rhythmic contractions. For this purpose can be used DMPA.
d. Compounds antiprostaglandin
Use antiprostaglandin compound is mainly given to patients with contraindications to estrogen and progesterone, such as liver failure or malignancy. Drugs that are used eg mefenamic acid with a dose of 3 x 500 mg per day. Regulate Menstruation Immediately after the bleeding stops, continue therapy to regulate menstruation.
To set this period can be given:
  • Oral pills for 3-6 months
  • Progesterone 2 x 1 tablet for 10 days, starting on day 14 -15 menstruation.

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Visum et Repertum adalah suatu laporan hasil pemeriksaan yang dibuat atas permintaan penyidik untuk keperluan hukum dan pengadilan



  1. Korban datang diantar petugas
  2. Surat permintaan VER ditanda tangani penyidik
  3. Dokter pemeriksa mencocokkan nama tersebut dalam surat dengan korban, bila tidak sesuai harap dilembalikan kepada penyidik
  4. Buku ekspedisi milik penyidik ditanda tangan oleh petugas RS atau dokter
  5. Petugas pengantar menulis nama, pangkat dan jabatan serta tanda tangan

  1. Pernyataan tertulis bahwa korban bersedia diperiksa dokter
  2. Bila korban anak-anak pernyataan dibuat oleh orang tua atau wali
  3. Bila korban tidak sadar, ijin keluarga atau pembuatan V e R dapat ditunda sampai perawatan selesai
  4. Selama pemeriksaan korban harus didampingi perawat

  1. Dicatat nama dokter pemeriksa dan perawat pembantu
  2. Dicatat tanggal dan jam pemeriksaan

  1. Identitas korban : nama , umur , pekerjaan
  2. Status perkawinan : gadis, sudah menikah, janda
  3. Haid terakhir, pola haid
  4. Riwayat penyakit, penyakit kelamin, penyakit kandungan
  5. Apakah memakai kontrasepsi

1. Siapa yang melaporkan ke polisi :
  • Korban
  • Keluarga
  • Masyarakat
2. Saat kejadian : tanggal dan jam
3. Tempat kejadian
4. Apakah korban melawan
5. Apakah korban pingsan
6. Apakah korban kenal dengan pelaku
7. Apakah terjadi penetrasi penis dan terjadi ejakulasi
8. Apakah ada deviasi sexual
9. Jumlah pelaku
10. Apakah setelah kejadian korban :
  • Mencuci kemaluan
  • Mandi
  • Ganti pakaian

1. Dicatat helai demi helai pakaian luar dan dalam korban
2. Diperiksa apakah ada bercak :
  • Darah
  • Air mani
  • Lumpur, kancing putus, robekan, dll
  • Bila ada digunting dan dikirim ke Labkrim

1. Tingkah laku :
  • Gelisah
  • Depresi
2. Penampilan :
  • Rapi
  • Kusut/ acak-acakan
3. Tanda-tanda bekas hilang kesadaran atau dibawah pengaruh alkohol, obat tidur/ bius, needle mark
4. Tanda-tanda bekas kekerasan dari daerah kepala sampai kaki :
  • Macam luka : lecet, memar, robek, atau patah tulang
  • Love bite atau cupang
5. Ada tidaknya Trace Evidence yang menempel pada tubuh : tanah, rumput,

1. Adakah rambut kemaluan yang melekat, bila ada digunting dan kirim ke Labkrim
2. Adakah rambut asing ( dengan cara menyisir rambut pubis ) , bila ada tempel pada selotipe dikirim ke Labkrim
3. Adakah bercak air mani di sekitar alat kelamin, bila ada dikerok dengan skalpel/ dihapus dengan kapas basah kirim ke Labkrim
4. Pemeriksaan himen
• Bentuk himen
• Ukuran lubang himen
• Ada robekan baru atau lama
• Lokasi robekan

5. Pemeriksaan vagina dan cervix dengan speculum :
Adakah tanda-tanda penyakit kelamin :
  • Dinding vagina luka / tidak
  • Fornix posterior luka / tidak
  • Ostium uteri keluar darah / tidak
6. Pemeriksaan dalam / colok dubur : rahim membesar atau tidak
7. Pengambilan bahan pemeriksaan laboratorium :
• Spermatozoa
• Semen
• Penyakit kelamin

1. Pemeriksaan spermatozoa
  • Bahan diambil dari cairan vagina atau canalis cervicalis
  • Dengan pipet atau ose
  • Dengan pewarnaan :
- Dibuat preparat hapus
- Difiksasi dengan api
- Pewarnaan HE atau Gram
  • Tanpa pewarnaan :
- Diletakkan diatas obyekglas
- Pembesaran 500 kali
- Spermatozoa bergerak / mati / tidak ada

2. Pemeriksaan bercak sperma pada pakaian :
  • Visual :
- Bercak berbatas jelas
- Lebih gelap dari sekitarnya
  • Sinar Ultra Violet menunjukkan fluoresensi putih
  • Taktil :
- Kaku
- Permukaan bercak teraba kasar

3. Pemeriksaan kehamilan


Dokter menyerahkan kembali korban kepada pengantar

Kesimpulan harus berdasar pemeriksaan obyektif
Kesimpulan dibuat bila hasil laboratorium selesai


Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Pidana Pasal : 285 tentang Perkosaan

Tags: Visum et Repertum, Pemerkosaan, perkosaan, Love bite, robekan himen

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